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Children, Have Ye Any Meat? by Adeyinka Ojo

God is omnipresent. Anytime men fail to recognize or acknowledge his presence we pay for the consequence. Jesus is the source of every good living. He prepares table before us even in the presence of our enemy-psalm 23 vs. 5
Jesus is much concerned about our lives. He’s interested in us. He wants to know whether we have food or not. His word says; for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities….
Jesus is a father that recognizes us as his children. He treats us as his beloved children not like an outcast or as slave, the way  religious people see it. He cares for us in every way. He wants us to see him as a beloved father who cares for us, even when we go wrong.
Let’s look at the book of John chapter 21 vs. 3-7, where we took our topic from!
3. Simon peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, we also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.
4. But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciple knew not that it was Jesus.
5. Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
6. And he saith unto them, cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes
7. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto peter, it is the Lord…..

The disciples concluded that they want to go about, doing their normal business. They drop Jesus behind and went fishing. These men made up their mind to use their experience and professionalism to get food on their table. They concluded to go about life in their own strength and ability.
These are men with many years of experience in fishing on the river of Galilee; they know the nooks and cranies of the river. They know where the fish will be hiding at a particular time in the night. They know the best time to catch fish is at the night hour. They tried all they could but all their effort proved abortive. They tried all the night and caught nothing.
They quickly forgot the master who gave them a simple instruction and they catch many fishes in the beginning. They have forgotten that all effort without the master is meaningless.
My friend look here, every struggle continues without the input of the master. Life will remain meaningless without him that says; without me ye can do nothing.
Strong men with years of experience toil throughout the night without Jesus factor. Your experience will not work without Jesus.
Life will remain miserable without Jesus.
Look at something; when the master showed up the first thing he did was not to accuse them; He didn’t condemn them; he didn’t rebuke them for living their first assignment. He didn’t throw stone at them.
Jesus said; children, have ye any meat?Hallelujah!
Jesus is more concerned about your meat and daily living. Jesus is concerned about your health, future, finances and all good things about you.
Look at the answer the disciple gave him; No. what amazed me here is that these men said; ‘capital no’, because they caught nothing, absolutely nothing. That means no food to eat for breakfast, nothing in the barn, even at home.
At a simple instruction from author of life, food was provided for them that have no hope of what to eat in the next second. Hallelujah!
Beloved, when Jesus appeared an end came to the toiling of the disciples. This means, at the presence of Jesus all struggle ends. Ordinary men are made strong. The weak can say I am strong.
Look here; it was the disciple that Jesus loves that recognizes that it is the lord. Anytime you remember that Jesus loves you, he will come with speed to help you.
I want to tell you that Jesus loves you. If you have no food, see him providing for you today.
I want to ask you the same question Jesus asked the disciples now. Children, have ye any meat?   If no, then look up unto him now. Acknowledge him as the only one in charge and tell him all things.

-Adeyinka. A Ojo


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