GOD MOVE WHEN YOU MOVE When you act upon God’s word, then you will see results. God word is in two faces- the rhema and the logos. Rhema is the reveal word of God to a person-the instant, personal speaking of God to us and Logos is the written word of God-the bible. These are the method God speak to His children! Understanding this and acting upon them accordingly guarantee our flight. God only move in response to our scriptural moves. When we are not making move, it's impossible to move God. God can't reach us until we respond in faith. We can't sit down making no move and expect God to perform magic. It's your move that move God. Faith is not mere confession, but a great profession. Is not what you say but what you do. It always demands a move. Always doing what God says. Abraham was justified by what he did and not what he says. Faith is an action word. Is not just saying what God says but doing what God says. Faith is the proof of wha...
To raise disciples that will impact the world| Preparing the saints for His appearance | Reminding this generation of the judgment seat of Christ.